

 1)   I have streets, but no pavement, I have cities, but no buildings, I have forests, but no trees, I have rivers, but no water. WHAT AM I?



 2)   You may enter, but you may not come in, I have a space, but no room, I have keys, but open no lock. WHAT AM I ?



3)  What gets wet when drying ?



4)  What holds water, yet is full of holes ?



Shauna was killed on Sunday morning. Police questioned everybody in the house.

April was getting the mail,

Alice was doing laundry,

Reggie was cooking,

Mark was planting in the garden.

Who is the killer


 5)    What goes up and down stairs without moving ?


 6)    What can you catch but not throw ?


 7)     Who are the two brothers who live on the opposite sides of the road , yet never see each other ?


 8)     Why do we buy clothes ?


 9)     What is the first thing you do in the morning ?


10)    I am always hungry, I must be fed, the finger I touch, will soon turn red.





What hangs from roof and rhymes with  BICYCLE ?

What do you wear that rhymes with LOVES ?

What falls from the sky and rhymes with GLOW ?

What´s a winter month that rhymes with REMEMBER ?

What do you fight with that rhymes with a HALL ?

What´s another word for snowstorm that rhymes with LIZARD ?

What makes you warm that rhymes with HIRE ?

What do you skate on that rhymes with NICE ?

Napiš zimní slova, která se rýmují a přines mi ukázat do třídy. Budou - li všechna dobře, máš 1.